Monday, May 24, 2010

Bob's small group

Here are some pictures of Bob's small group. Brad Winslow, who I used to work with on the maintenance crew, helps me work with these young men. Together we are teaching the guys to work with wood and become familiar with wood working tools. We meet together on Wednesday nights in the maintenance shop. We have also been going through the Gospel of John focusing on the Person and works of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God. He is God. Faith in who He is is the first step in following Him as a disciple. As God, He knows all about us and our every thought. His miracles show that He can be trusted, and that we can entrust our salvation and lives unto Him. Encouraging these boys on as disciples of Jesus Christ is our purpose.
There are five 9th grade guys in our group: Alexi, Ben, Evan, Jason, and Joseph.

Alexi and Brad

Some "Mumbai" figures the guys carved led to sharing about idolatry.

Making some walking sticks

Joseph plays for the BFA soccer and basketball teams

Jason is a good friend of Marshall's...

He joined the wrestling and track teams this year.

Ben and Evan are amazing violinists, and Ben is one of our schools best runners,.... and only a Freshman!

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