Monday, February 25, 2013

Christmas Banquet

Christmas Banquet is an occasion for our students to dress up nice and gives the guys an opportunity to ask a young lady out.  The guys are very creative in finding ways to ask a girl out, usually incorporating the help of some friends to surprise her and add some special affects.  It is an event that our high school students look forward to and it ushers in the beginning of the Christmas season on our campus.  Christmas break follows, and for most of us that means spending cherished time with family and celebrating the wonder of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Banquet is another event that Sue and her group of student counsel kids organize.  Christmas decorations, setting up tables, finding a caterer, recruiting staff to help serve food and do dishes, listening to music auditions, and coming up with the evening's program are just some of the details that they needed to work out.

Sue and her student counsel kids!
 After many hours of planning - decorating begins!

Here is a link with pictures of our students looking their best:
Sue and Rachel, and the girls from their Wed. night small group:
Christmas Banquet was a very worthwhile event.  The rewards were watching our students having a great time and the joy of serving them together. 


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