Tuesday, June 14, 2011

March Gladness Continues

 More March Mad- I mean- Gladness!

 Do you remember when your kids remembered just before going to school one day that they had a special project or item due that very day and you had to scramble around to bail your kid out the last minute?  Well, Aunt Sue today is "Spirit Day" and we want to do-up our hair funny.  Can you help us?

Ira, you're first.

                                 Laura you're next

OK, girls.  Off to school!

And you boys look great!

Middle School Play

Our Liel kids star in:  "The Mouse That Roared"

 Our Liel dorm had 5 of our students in the middle school play!  They began remembering their lines and practicing their parts before Christmas break.  They did a great job!

                                                                              Starring Priscilla and Laura.


                                                     Luke, Britta, and Joyce  (And Luke gets the girl in the end)

Operation School Tension Release!

Nothing like a friendly water war to break a two month stretch of studying and dorm life.  Charge!

Get Josh, he started it!

Good Job Sue!  We done war wore them out!

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