Wednesday, June 15, 2011

May Birthdays

May 2010

Greetings from Sue and the Liel dorm! 
May was a very busy month as we approached the end of the school year. Each Sunday we celebrated the birthday of one of the four Liel Kids who have summer birthdays. There were also school organized banquets to attend and Sue and I went to the USA for 8 days to attend Alison's college graduation and to help her move out of her apartment.

Happy Birthday Joshua

Joshua will be turning 14 this summer.  He is a Korean American whose parents work in Asia.  Josh loves sports and goofing around with the guys.  He is serious with his studies though and with his music.  Josh plays the violin and his favorite sport is soccer.

Hamburgers and hot dogs with all of the fixins was Josh's choice for dinner, and Lauren cooked him up a birthday cake.

Who's on the bottom?  Oh,... well,... that would be Josh.  Alright, everybody up before you break something!

These two guys: Andrew and Pepe, Josh's small group (Chrysalis) leaders came as unexpected guests.  They had something to do with why Josh is looking all wet.....

Because he was hauled off to the nearby water fountain and "Troughed".  Man did he put up a fight.

After getting troughed its your obligation to hug your captors.

Happy Birthday Joyce

Joyce is the biggest hugger at the Liel dorm.  She can play the piano and sing, and has even written her own worship music

 The gift of friendship!

 An accident in the kitchen!  When Lauren opened the corn starch it just kind of blew up in her face.

This was NO accident!

Chocolate fountain for desert.

Happy Birthday Priscilla

Priscilla is another of our summer birthdays.   She is one of our sports lovers in the dorm.  She participates in middle school intramurals, joined the track team, and is always up for playing a game outside or in the house.  She is also one of the dorms "loud speakers".  When we need someone to come down from upstairs we just ask Priscilla to yell up to them to come down!

Sue made lazagna for the birthday girl.

 And Lauren made cup cakes!

And the boys made.....

Who can wash the shaving cream off with water pistols first.... boys or girls?

I'm not sure which team one, but our water bill is going to be a doozie!

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